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How The Online VHF Radio Licence Course Works
With In-Class Assessment at a ScotSail® RYA Training Centre
From January 2014, the RYA/MCA VHF Marine Radio Licence, can now be taken as an Online Course, followed by a short practical assessment with an SRC Licence Assessor at your RYA Training Centre.
You can sign up for the Online Course and start immediately. The online course consists of the knowledge elements and also has a basic simulator. It is compatible with most PC/Mac computers, and a version for Apple iPad® devices will be released in the near future.
You then need to attend the Centre to complete a short multi-choice / written assessment paper and practical session using training VHF Radio Equipment with your SRC Licence Assessor. This takes around 60-90 minutes which includes about 15 minutes of practicing time with a friendly & knowledgable RYA Instructor/Assessor, on-hand to answer any questions you may have.
The class-attended session can be taken as soon as you are ready OR, immediately before or after your RYA Practical Course being taken with ScotSail.
To Sign Up For The Online Course:
1). Book Online Here >
2). Receive your Username & Password via e-mail;
3). You can then Login Here to download and start the course immediately.
You will also be sent the RYA VHF Handbook via Royal Mail to assist you, and have online access to our extra VHF Course practice guides and videos.
Once You Have Completed The Online Course:
The RYA Assessment Fee is £60.00, and is payable direct to the RYA on the day of your assessment, via credit/debit card or cheque.
VHF Practice Videos:
Welcome to ScotSail® Sail & Power!
5 Days/Nights Full Board RYA Sailing from £399pp!
Only £99 Deposit to Secure a Space, With Balances Due 28-Days Prior to Sailing.
It's Just £99 Deposit to reserve a place on any 5 Days/Nights RYA Day Skipper Sailing Course with ScotSail® - it's 5 Nights / Full Board (Mon-Fri) inc RYA Tuition, Certification, All Safety Equipment, 5 Days 24hr Secure Parking at our dedicted Largs Yacht Haven centre - and you can choose any RYA sailing course from Competent Crew, Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper or Yachtmaster® Prep.
Our multiple modern cruising yachts depart every Sunday at 1800hrs, with our experienced RYA Yachtmaster® Instructors and up to five people (individuals, couples & families), on-board.
Each night is spent at a different island / marina, before returning on Friday for about 1500hrs.
More 2014 Sailing WebDeals™ Announced for 5 Days/Nights RYA Courses
Spring / Summer 2014 5 Days/Nights Full Board Sailing Courses in Scotland Dates Published at Special WebDeal™ Rates, From £399.00pp...
Posted on 31-Oct-2013 / In Category: Announcements / By ScotSail® Admin
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